What is a lesson plan?

No matter what level or subject you teach, a lesson plan is your guide to facilitating a lesson. It typically includes a learning goal, a plan for how the goal will be achieved and a way to measure whether the goal was reached. Lesson plans don’t need to be complex or lengthy, although they need to link clearly to outcomes and curriculum assessments. There’s no right or wrong way to plan. Depending on your preference, you can plan daily, weekly or longer term.

How to format a lesson plan

No matter which format or template you plan in, the first step is to develop lesson objectives that outline the learning goals for students. The second step is the procedures that will be used for delivering instruction, including particular activities you will facilitate. To determine whether the learning goals are achieved the third step is to outline methods of assessment, such as tests, presentations, essays or other means. Student groupings and materials needed to carry out the various activities can also be listed in the lesson plan.

Where to find great lesson plan ideas

There are many online resources dedicated to helping you develop ideas for your lesson plans. Official government education websites have lots of jumping-off points for teachers of all levels, as do educational and textbook websites. ClickView also has lots of lesson plan ideas and sequences available across all subjects and levels from primary to secondary and beyond. These lesson plans come complete with various resources including activity worksheets and other teaching materials.


What is a micro-teaching lesson plan?
Micro-teaching or micro-learning, is the breakdown of information into bite-sized chunks. This way of teaching makes it easier for learners to absorb content. This method is proven to help convert short-term memory to long-term memory, making it one of the most effective forms of learning. A micro-teaching lesson plan allows your students to easily digest information rather than being overwhelmed.
Should I use a template for my lesson planning?
Well designed lesson plan templates can help you deliver structured, well planned, quality lessons. Formatted templates can help you organise your thoughts and turn them into structured content, helping you to feel prepared for class. Before using a template, you may want to organise your lesson ideas or activities into Google Drive folders or by using Pinterest or a similar brainstorming tool.
What’s included in a lesson plan?
There are many useful question prompts to ask yourself as you formulate the content of a lesson plan for any year level or subject.
  • What is my reason for doing these activities?
  • What are the academic, social, physical, personal and emotional needs of my students? 
  • Which teaching strategies and teaching styles will best facilitate my students’ learning? (It’s usually a mix of strategies and styles).
  • How should I group my students? Would randomised grouping work best for this activity or are they better off with peers they choose?
  • What prerequisites should my students have mastered or what prior knowledge do they need?
  • What materials and human resources do I need for the lesson to be successful? Consider technology, such as content clips, as well as staffing.
Reflection is just as important as the planning steps. Here are some prompts to consider as you reflect on a lesson or unit of work.
  • What worked and didn’t work? 
  • What will I do differently next time? 
  • Is there more pre-teaching required?
  • What can I do to build on this lesson or sequence of lessons?
Should I plan my lessons daily or weekly?
That depends on how you work best. Weekly planning sessions may be more useful when it comes to working back from assessments or learning goals. They can also allow for flexibility within a particular week while keeping you on track to cover specific content. When you plan daily, it’s more difficult to look at how your lessons connect and the unit of work as a whole.
What other kinds of classroom planning do I need to consider?
Aim to do long-range planning and big picture work once a quarter. This kind of planning can help you map out your lessons according to curriculum units. It’s also a chance to work backwards to figure out how to achieve your learning goals throughout a term or semester of work and assessment. Consider important dates in the school calendar that may impact your planning, such as assessment and reporting due dates, as well as interruptions that may occur during a term.

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